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Chiropractic appointment-

Your first chiropractic appointment can be very exciting! We will begin by diving into a consultation regarding current complaints or concerns as well as discuss your goals for both you and your horse.  A thorough examination will be performed involving assessment of your horse's resting stance, muscle tone and individual joint range of motion. A baseline lameness evaluation of your horse at the walk and trot may also be included if necessary.  Following the evaluation, targeted adjustments will be performed. At the end of your appointment you will receive a written description of your horse’s examination, the adjustments performed, a list of rehabilitation instructions and exercises, and recommendations for follow up care. 


*I am excited to also be able to offer chiropractic adjustments for your dogs!


**Additional lameness evaluation procedures such as flexion tests and regional nerve blocking will be offered for an additional fee if deemed necessary by initial evaluation.

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Equine acupuncture-

Acupuncture is a great adjunct to chiropractic adjustments but can also be used as a sole therapy! We will begin much the same, by diving into a consultation regarding current complaints or concerns as well as discuss your goals for both you and your horse.  A thorough examination will be performed to assess your horse's resting stance, muscle tone and may include a baseline lameness evaluation if necessary. A hands-on assessment of your horse’s skin and muscle aids in the location of trigger points which indicate areas of misfiring nerves. Following the evaluation, targeted application of acupuncture needles will be performed. At the end of your appointment you will receive a written description of your horse’s examination, the adjustments performed, a list of rehabilitation instructions and exercises, and recommendations for follow up care.


*Electro-acupuncture involving the application of an electrical stimulation machine will also be provided on an as needed basis for an additional fee.

Dentistry services-

 A well-balanced mouth is absolutely essential, not only for our horse to be able to properly chew and digest their food, but ALSO for them to be able to function athletically. Sharp points and hooks can interfere with the bit causing behavioral issues, an overgrown tooth can impair the horse’s natural head carriage and thus their overall movement. Issues with the Temporomandibular joint, or jaw, can cause pain and impair your horse’s overall well-being.  In order to achieve the best dental examination and equilibration (float) your horse will be lightly sedated. This is for your horse’s comfort and relaxation during the procedure as well as yours. We all know that going to the dentist is no fun but we can make the entire experience much more pleasant. Power float equipment is utilized to achieve the most fine tuned and sensitive correction of most dental abnormalities. 

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***This smile brought to you by the amazing and hilarious Della

Preparing for your chiropractic or acupuncture appointment-

  • Your horse can be ridden PRIOR to your acupuncture or chiropractic appointment but should NOT still be sweaty or wet from a bath- moisture can drag in bacteria with the needles if you are having an acupuncture appointment.

  • Your horse should be reasonably groomed PRIOR to their appointment- They do not need a bath but they cannot be caked in mud. The sense of touch is very important in locating subtle changes in your horse’s skin, muscle tone and skeleton and chunks of mud are not super helpful.

  • Horses will need 24 hours off from work AFTER their acupuncture or chiropractic adjustment in order to achieve the maximum benefit.

  • Your first appointment may take up to an hour between getting the history, the exam and the acupuncture or chiropractic adjustment

    • Follow up appointments will range from 20-40 minutes. Please note- if it has been longer than 6 months since your last appointment, or if there is a NEW problem you will need a "first time appointment" since this will involve a new assessment of your horse.

  • The ideal time for acupuncture or chiropractic is 5-7 days prior to a big event since this tends to be when we see the full effects from the corrections.

  • Please note sometimes animals may be sore for a day or two after their chiropractic adjustments- while the adjustments themselves are performed gently, they often involve changing how that structure moves which in turn effects the surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments. The body needs time to adjust. Never hesitate to call with any questions or concerns.


** To learn more about how all these exciting therapies actually work click the link to my About Me page!!!!

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